Contact Us
We will be with you from dust till dawn
Let’s go regenerative together.
For farmers: whether you are a black belt regenerative farmer or just getting started, please contact us by sending your farm details:
Location (country and town)
Farm size (in hectares)
Your main crops
Your current status in regenerative farming
For food companies: if you are looking for regen hectares or you plan to train your farmers, please contact us by sending your request:
Geographical scope of operation
The crops you are interested in
What you are looking for exactly (farmers, hectares, training etc.)
What is the schedule of your project
Tired of contact forms? Give us a call!

Common questions
How can I register to the program?
It is easy! Call one of our program managers and submit the contact form above and we will get in touch with you. Our colleagues will send you:
- the terms and conditions of the program,
- the list of program fees (sampling, lab tests, MRV etc.) and
- the list of data we would like to ask from you.
Is there a minimum area for registration?
Yes, we can currently accept farms with at least 50 hectares of arable area.
May I register with rented fields?
Of course! Although we recommend to register with your own fields in the beginning, it is also possible to register with rented fields if you are able to provide proof of land use right.
What happens if my field(s) get sold or rented to someone else?
The new owner or tenant may decide that they will continue participating in the program. In this case, it is up to you and them to discuss how you would like to share the next carbon payout. If they quit the program, then your last installment of carbon payment cannot be paid out.
Which fields are eligible for the program?
Currently you can only register with arable lands. Grasslands, orchards and other land use types are not supported at the moment. Please check be later to see if we have a protocol for those land use types.
It is not allowed to participate with fields that:
- are wetland and peatlands,
- are Histosols,
- that were forests in the last 10 years (land use change was made).
What types of data shall I provide? Who owns my data?
We would like to ask for the following documents:
- map of fields (in SHP or other GIS format),
- proof of land use right (EU subsidies document from last year),
- crop rotation for the last 5 years on the fields,
- NPK fertilizer dosages for the last 5 years for each crop you grow,
- pesiticide dosages for the last 5 years for each crop you grow (grouped by pesticide type: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, desiccants etc.),
- diesel and electricity usage for the last 5 years,
- crop yields from the last 5 years for each crop you grow.
We value your privacy, all these date are used for carbon calculations. You are the one and only owner of your data, we are only processing it. Your data is not sold or used for statistics, analytics or other purposes, and are not handled by third-parties.
Are there any mandatory practices?
We have a step-by-step system in place which we call Horizons. These horizons – program levels – contain several practices which are strongly recommended if you wish to be successful in regenerative farming and you would like to increase your soil carbon levels.
If you follow our Horizons – which are also a basis for our MRV (measure, report, verify) procedure – you can be sure that you will have great results during the transition, and soil carbon change can be measured within the first 2-3 years.
Are there any restricted practices?
Yes, there are a few restrictions:
- drainage of wetlands,
- topsoil removal,
- landscape modifications (except for erosion control purposes),
- change of land use (e.g. converting grassland or rangeland to annual cropland, deforestation),
- overgrazing and excessive agricultural transit,
- using fire as a management tool.
How do I get paid?
Payments are made after soil sampling rounds are done, lab results are back and we calculated your soil carbon increase. These measurements will be then verified by an independent third-party, and if they give a green light, carbon credits will be issued (1 ton of CO2 sequestered = 1 carbon credit).
If you decide to sell the carbon through BlackSoil, we will do the following:
- Ensure that we can secure the highest price possible for you.
- We sell 80% of the credits at that price to our partners. 20% of the credits are placed into a credit buffer pool.
- From the selling price we deduct the fee of issuance and the administration fee and transfer the remaining amount to your account in the chosen currency.
- The 20% buffer pool is sold at the next sampling round and then we put the 20% of credits from that new round to the buffer pool. For example: in year 2-4 you made 100 credits, out of these 80 credits are sold in the 4th year, 20 credits are held in the pool. In year 5-7 you made 150 credits, out of these credits 120 are sold together with the 20 credits from year 2-4, and then the 20% of 150 credits, 30 credits are held back until the sampling round in year 10.
What happens if the soil carbon level does not increase or it even decreases?
If we fail to increase your soil carbon content, then there is no carbon credit that could be issued and sold. This means that both you – the farmer – and us – BlackSoil – are left without money, there is no carbon payout.
If soil carbon decreases in your soils, then its value is deducted from your carbon payout buffer (the part of the previous carbon payment that is held back). The good news is that you don’t have to pay back any money from your previous payouts.
Not being able to increasing carbon levels is a frustrating experience – our expert team is here to help and discuss the next steps if something like this happens.
How long is a program cycle?
One cycle is maximum 10 years long, depending on the speed of adoption of regenerative practices.
Can I quit the program in the middle of the cycle?
Yes, you can quit the program anytime you wish to. However, this means that your regenerative efforts, soil carbon samples and carbon payout buffers will be lost at the middle of the journey.
What happens if I wish not to continue the program at the end of the cycle?
If you wish not to renew your participation at the end of the 10th year, then the carbon payout buffer (the 20% that is held back) from the carbon sequestration of year 8-10 are paid during the next 10 years (year 10-20) to make sure that you keep up the regenerative practices after completing the cycle.
Can my fields be part of another carbon program?
Sadly not. Carbon credits have to be unique, meaning that from one field only one entity can claim a credit, otherwise the credits would be doubled. If you wish to participate in other carbon programs, you may do that with other fields that are not part of the BlackSoil program. It is always a good idea to test multiple carbon solutions rather than signing up with one program for the entire farm area.
What is the difference between a carbon certificate and a carbon credit?
When you hear the words carbon certificates or carbon offset, think about the term compensation. Offsets represent the reduction, avoidance, destruction or sequestration of the equivalent of a ton of carbon in one place to “offset” an emission taking place somewhere else. Carbon offsets are designed for situations where emissions are impossible to reduce because you can use the funds to reduce emissions in other areas.
When you hear the words carbon credit, think about the term allowance. Carbon credits represent the maximum amount of CO2 an entity is allowed to emit. This cap on CO2 emissions slowly decreases over time, forcing entities to emit less and less CO2 in order to stay within the boundaries of the cap. Companies with high levels of emissions can still continue to operate, but only at an increased cost.
When we say that we prefer insetting in carbon credits, that means that we help food and beverage companies down the agricultural value chain to reduce their carbon emissions by purchasing regenerative crops from farmers. Since only 1 billion tons of CO2 is being offset at the moment out of the 36 billion tons emitted globally on a yearly basis, we can clearly see that we have a long road to go.
May I register with soil samples from other programs?
We are sorry, but because of the strict protocols we can only use soil samples for our carbon calculations that were taken during the project. It is also very rare that the sampling depth and lab tests (DUMAS dry combustion etc.) our project uses are used by farmers or other programs.