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Cover crops & inputs

Grow your carbon in the field

The philosophy behind our cover crops mixes is simple: let’s have a living root in your soil 365 days a year!

A cover crop is grown between your cash crops (i.e. crops that you make money with, e.g. corn, wheat, rapeseed) and it is seeded for its yield, but for its root and shoot biomass.

Cover crops improve soil structure, cycle nutrients, feed soil biology, protect the soil from wind and water erosion, so they increase the fertility and resilience of your soil. They use sunshine, carbon-dioxide and moisture in the fallow periods.

We have been developing cover crop mixes since 2016. Our expertise guarantees that you get a mix tailored to your soil type, crop rotation and climate. We are the largest custom mix specialist in the region, and our team continuously tests cover crops, working with more than 40 species and 75+ recipes every season. Our results are always available to open-minded farmers and agronomists.

The mindset of cover cropping is simple: treat your cover crop as a cash crop! This means that you pay attention to components, seeding rate, depth and time, nutrient management and termination just like you would do with your corn or wheat crop.

Less pain, more grain – cover crops are your best ally when you plan to switch to a min-till or no-till system, using roots instead of steel to prepare the seedbed for your next crop. The transition period is shorter and more smooth with cover crops, because they boost your soil biology and improve the soil structure.

Cover crops can also help you with carbon sequestration – it is proven that a continuous living root accelerates soil carbon mineralisation. Thanks to the liquid carbon pathway, cash crops and cover crops can pump carbon-dioxide into the soil all year long, helping you increasing carbon pools quicker than usual.

Go deep – roots can till your soil down to 100-150 cm!

We know that one swallow doesn’t make a summer (although swallows definitely enjoy the residues of cover crops) – it is not easy to get started with cover cropping, but you can be sure that we will assist you with:

choosing the right mix or creating your custom mix,

setting you drill or spreader properly,

deciding when to seed and when to terminate your mix,

setting your planter to plant the next cash crop,

choosing and applying other soil amendments (organic fertilizers, lime, humic acids etc.).